Brief: This was a personal project, I wanted to work on the idea of creating realistic, yet magical mermaid imagery. I decided to create an underwater composite scene and a portrait, with the intention of this also looking as though it is underwater.
Solution: I created the initial images in the studio; a simple portrait, using low lighting and a blue gel, and a series of images, that when put together would form the mermaid figure for the underwater composite. I photographed each body part separately to allow me to get the unusual angles, as well as create the swimming/floating effect. Using Photoshop, some drawn elements and stock images I then composited the two images. Just some of the techniques used include; frequency separation, masking, colour correction and changes, blend modes as well as manipulation involving liquifying, cloning, blurring and puppet warp to name a few.
Software and Equipment used: Canon 5D mkIII, tripod, reflector, studio lighting with softboxes, Photoshop, a hair dryer, and some gels!
Below are all of the images used to create the full body, underwater composite.